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Thursday, March 29, 2007 |
8:28:03 AM ![]() |
I am shocked at the venom and death threats against Kathy Sierra - it is sick, mean, even anarchical and evil, totally unethical. My first reaction was disgust and dismay and I have the greatest sympathy for what she is going through - but I find myself as appalled at the knee-jerk reaction of hate going around about a set of people implicated in her post - its not doing much good I'm afraid. Truly *Evil* minds whoever they are in this case, feed on such things. I feel Mitch Ratcliffe's post is a really balanced take on the whole thing, especially this from Mitch - "We are further from that moment of truth now, however, because the silence of mock outrage reigns." There are many conflicting thoughts in me right now
around this issue. The woman in me is enraged at what Kathy is going
through - and yet am not sure its a 'woman' thing at all. Lots of the
American blogworld , esp at the A-list level, is fairly obsessed by how
few women are really respected in Tech - this is evident by the endless
debates on inviting women speakers at conferences. And yet, apart from BlogHer I
don't see much happening to change this, as I see the same set of women speaking over and over again. The outrage against what's
happened to her, is possibly greater because Kathy happens to be a
woman. Are we perpetuating this gender divide by making it a woman
thing - am not sure. I've had all sorts of threats and quite a bit of hate mail - I found the best thing is to simply ignore it and it usually goes away. I'm glad Kathy brought it out in the open though, its an issue that needs to be debated and addressed - and still I wish she hadn't made those really serious and clear accusations against specific individuals until after all the investigations by the authorities were done. Blogs are so powerful and the internet is an unforgiving place - entire reputations can be ruined thus. Censorship and more regulation is not the answer - has it ever really worked where the internet is concerned? Andy Carvin has called for a
Stop Cyberbullying Day. That's the sort of action that makes sense. Tags: cyberbullying , Kathy Sierra, stopcyberbullying 12:16:43 AM ![]() |
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