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"Conversation. What is it? A Mystery! It's the art of never seeming bored, of touching everything with interest, of pleasing with trifles, of being fascinating with nothing at all. How do we define this lively darting about with words, of hitting them back and forth, this sort of brief smile of ideas which should be conversation?" Guy de Maupassant

Wednesday, July 2, 2003

Blogs from Microsoft Employees - The Tribe Grows

Now this is interesting ..... and worth watching how it all evolves, as the tribe grows (bold is mine) :

Frank Maslowski, another stellar Microsoft employee (who happens to report to me) started up his blog. I'm officially adding blogging to all their review objectives for the new fiscal year! I'm looking forward to hearing what he has to say, you'll want to stay tuned to this one. And I expect a good dose of humor sprinkled throughout.

"My role here at Microsoft is Retail Marketing, so I could be another Marketing guy. However, I'm moving over to the PR team, which I'm very excited about. So, what does PR mean? Is it just getting in the face of our customer? Is it an interruption that makes an initial short lived impact? What about developing buzz or a viral effect? How do you develop buzz, or a sustained message that others can communicate for you? could blogging do it?"

(By the way, I'm working on getting Diane, James, Mike and Frank to move to Blogger Pro so we can get RSS feeds... And if we're all lucky, we'll see blogs by Cesar, Lori, Ed, and Robyn before too long!)
[John Porcaro's Weblog]

And from an earlier post -

Congratulations to James Martin on his first blog post! He writes:

"I told John P. (my previous manager and a serious blog-aholic) that I wouldn't start a blog, but alas, the day has come to start my very own! After reading blogs from people I work with, I really get the sense that people are more open in their blogs than with each other outside the hallways at work. I plan to do the same with my blog, too."

And from yet another at John's blog :

Dave Weinberger says, in an article in the Star Tribune:

""If companies allow their employees to blog, [they] have the opportunity of engaging their customer in the sort of genuine conversations that build real customer loyalty," Weinberger said. "There is a risk that a weblogger will criticize a product, but in the post-marketing world of the Internet, being frank even when negative can build a stronger relationship than when they are mindlessly positive."

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