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"Conversation. What is it? A Mystery! It's the art of never seeming bored, of touching everything with interest, of pleasing with trifles, of being fascinating with nothing at all. How do we define this lively darting about with words, of hitting them back and forth, this sort of brief smile of ideas which should be conversation?" Guy de Maupassant

Thursday, September 18, 2003

Surviving in the world of New Media - case studies from India

Ten case studies. Lessons on how to break the rules to survive in the world of New Media. Right here.

1. Spice Telecom - Here's how Spice successfully woos its 7 lakh subscribers in Punjab and Karnataka... more

2. Contests2Win - Know how the scion of a hosiery manufacturing family blazed a trail in online contesting... more

3. Naukri.com - Find out how this ex-SmithKline Beecham hand built a Rs 10-crore online job exchange... more

4. Mobile Marketing - Sony created hype around the launch of Kuch Kehti Hai Yeh Dhun through viral messaging... more

5. Mediaturf - Internet and the media plan. Know how and when they met... more

6. WorldSpace - Know more about the 3 Cs of WorldSpace's marketing strategy... more

7. Net4Barter - Barter is no longer a bad word in corporate India, thanks to this online exchange... more

8. ZOD! - Brand launch on the net? A misnomer no more... more

9. eIndiatourism - The one undisputed and sure-fire rule for driving traffic online is optimisation of search engines. Learn the ropes... more

10. IndiaMART - IndiaMART's journey is a lesson in enterprise. Here's how it survived the dotcom meltdown...more

[link via AgencyFAQs]

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Blogging in an organisation

This sounds like a must-read.  No time now - keeping it for later.

Excellent presentation on supporting K-logging within a large organisation. Lucent Technologies' Information Specialist, Michael Angeles, believes blogging has evolved beyond "cool" and is moving quickly into the corporate world. In this presentation, Angeles will discuss who blogs, how and why. He will also discuss how Lucent is supporting bloggers and at the same time keeping close watch over the resulting growth of information on the Intranet.

Lucent's Michael Angeles has posted the slides from his presentation to the (US) Usability Professional Association's "Blogging in Corporate America" event in New York. His talk was called Making intranet weblog data usable.

This is worth a read for anybody interested in:

* how to support quick, easy knowledge sharing
* how to use simple publishing tools to bind together diverse data and knowledge bases
* how to promote expert voices within an organisation or a community
* how to deal with (and enoucrage) a diverse knowledge ecology within an organisation

A truly excellent and well-prepared presentation.

[headshift moments]

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