Conversations with an Ethnographer in India
Friday, June 16, 2006 |
This is the last in the series of Cultural Insights for doing business in India. Just wanted to say these observations are based on learnings over 18 years of doing qualitative research in India. It's interesting to see how some things have changed, while others remain constant, over generations.
Part 4. Technology Perspectives
- Technology adoption doesn't always follow trends in the West
- India is leapfrogging the PC stage - cell phones are becoming our gateway to the internet
- From no cameras to cam phones - digital cameras are being squeezed out
- 4.5 million cell phones are added every month, 95 million subscribers in March 2006, 200 million projected in 2010; landlines a little over 50 million
- Most turn off power to hardware when not in use to save electricity, and avoid power surges due to fluctuations. Less of an 'always on' perspective in India.
- Belief that cost of technology is dropping - so no point planning purchase in advance.
- Little DIY - cheap service is available
- Assembled goods and second hand goods are freely available from the grey market
 - Upgrading is not a natural habit - the average consumer is not tech savvy, and technology products are usually used until they break. (Exception being cell phones, esp.among youngsters as they can be a status symbol).
- Upgrading often needs to be driven by buy-back/replacement schemes offered by
- Choice of brand and model often made by price/discounts/deals
- Celebrity endorsements rampant for tech products - playing on image and low role of product or features
 - Trend towards 'all-in-one' gadgets - e.g. cell phone + camera + mp3 player. PCs play multiple roles, for instance as the household DVD player, communication medium, gaming system, etc.
- Trend towards laptops which is the fastest growing segment - costs dropping, mobility, status associations are key drivers.
The complete series:
Part 1. Culture of Business, Service and Consumption Part 2. Attitude towards Rules and Regulations Part 3. Value for Money Equations Part 4. Technology Perspectives Many thanks - to all those who have commented and linked to this series of posts - I love the conversations around these issues - keep them coming - and I will add my two-cents shortly!
Tags: qualitative research, ethnography
5:37:35 PM
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