I had a lovely time in Prague. It is a city with
so much history. We stayed at Wenceslas Square in New Town - lots of history of protests and demonstrations there - and now very very touristy.

Old Town is a fascinating place - full of small alleys, restaurants
that serve divine dessert, beer that is cheaper than water or
soda, crystal shops (the crystal for the most part was quite
disappointing - perhaps I had been led to expect better) and touts
selling discounted tickets for classical music recitals and concerts in
the evening. And there is Kafka and art nouveau.
There is a tram - you can get around pretty
easily. And the patterns the streets and roads make fascinated me
... they are mostly cobbled. The city has Gothic architecture for
the most part, with lots
of churches, romantic bridges and waterways.

Prague castle was interesting .. not pretty really but the Cathedral there was

Here's a view of the city from the castle.

Every night there are several concerts - Mozart, Bach, Verdi and
Vivaldi ringing out from churches and museums. We sat on the steps at a
museum and listened to Vivaldi's Four Season's being rendered by local
artists - the lady violinist was just stunning in her energy.

And there are lots of beggars surprisingly, who lie prone on the floor
on their knees and elbows, with a bowl or cup held between their hands.
Here's a sculpture I found, which actually depicts this.

I'd like to go back to Prague some day. It is
one of those romantic cities. I just hope it doesn't get any more
touristy and commercialised than it is today.
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