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Friday, May 6, 2005 |
Are Bloggers Hunters? I just told Avi I blogged our Guru-Geek conversation ... am still IMing with him while I write this. He called me a Hunter ... always on the prowl for a blog post ..... avi : now look u turned into a hunter avi: in fact Don Juan has said some nice quotes on being a hunter, Carlos Castaneda. for the hunter doesn't count on expectation that thing will come his/her way. The hunter knows if he's aware and the right moment will always feed him. So whn u r in the blog mode u'll see topics coming 2 u left right n centre, whn u r not topics dont come and the diff between the two is ur level of awareness avi: it is essentially this .. and u hv told it 2 me urself ... u had said "Don't judge Avi, just put it down. Once u start to think you can't put it up" thts a primary rule of the hunter ... the hunter doesnt operate out of expectation. will give chase. if he gets his quarry well n good, if not, will focus on the next quarry. know tht in the hunt he gets transformed. each time u hunt down an idea that idea is consumed by u and becomes a part of u And then he sent me this quote ... "An average man is too concerned with liking people or with being liked himself. A warrior likes, that's all. He likes whatever or whomever he wants, for the hell of it." ---- Carlos Castaneda Hmmmmmm ... we continue chatting as I push publish ....
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Blogs and Wikis - Is Guru Geek? I was just chatting on IM with a friend who was asking me about wikis and blog .... and I was just rambling on and on. He stopped me in my tracks saying ... "you should wear a Guru crown". My spontaneous response ... "naaah ... am just CURIOUS and PASSIONATE and a USER and BELIEVER. I'm definitely not A GEEK ... all the gurus are geeks" To which he responded : "hmm who said you need 2 b Geek 2 b Guru?" Hehehe.
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Voice Comments at Blogs Now wouldn't this be cool !!! How about it, Radio Userland? Skype to Blog Calls - SkypeAudioBlogging. "What I hope to share today is my initial experience with Skype to Blog Calling. What's a Skype to blog call? Well don't you want your blog to capture voice comments from readers? I certainly do. What's more Skype has evolved to the point where it is more than just possible. Short recordings. Based on tests today and the speed with which the blogosphere can adapt solutions mean:
As a side benefit, voice comments could be clipped into newsy podcasts, highly commented on posts with unique insights could be very interesting. Personal podcasts of the RSS Voice Comments feeds are possible" Read the whole post - its worth thinking about. 11:57:33 AM ![]() |
Visual Ethnography using Cam Phones Also came across this article in the Feature, by Howard Rheingold, on how camera phones are fast becoming a personal storytelling medium. Howard ponders : "It looks like this newly ubiquitous device could be more about flows of moments than stocks of images, more about sharing presence than transporting messages, and ultimately, more about personal narrative than factual communication." He then goes further into quoting from a paper delivered at a conference in Korea at the end of 2004, by Daisuke Okabe : "Cameraphones enable an expanded field for chronicling and displaying self and viewpoint to others in a new kind of everyday visual storytelling......" ".......For example, the people they observed used streams of text messages to "inscribe a space of shared awareness of one another" -- an explanation for the preponderance of messages that conveyed no information other than what the sender was doing at the moment: "I'm sitting on the bus," or "I'm bored" or "I'm walking up the hill." The cameraphone study extends this framework by revealing how people's choices of images to share enables intimate social networks to share ambient information; but, "on the other hand, we are finding that users tend not to e-mail messages to one another, and prefer to share images by showing pictures on a handset screen." Hence, the communication device that used to transmit messages across distances is now also used to capture a flow of experience in order to add a visual element to face-to-face story-telling......" I remember the time we would equip our subjects in studies, with disposable cameras to record moments in their lives. We don't need them anymore with some of the youth target audiences. Especially in India, and many other Asian countries, where its hot for youth to own cam phones. Advantages are many ...
The only bitch is the quality of photographs - I hope cam phone manufacturers get their act together providing cheaper but better quality imaging. 11:10:07 AM ![]() |
Art with Heart I'm currently involved in a multi-country study which involves visual ethnographies in people's homes. As a result, I've been experimenting with capturing lifespaces through the lens. Its an interesting journey ... I never thought my projects would help me learn so much about photography one day ! I was looking around on the web for stuff on photography, and I came across Evelyn Rodrigues post that points to a really neat article from the editor at Lenswork - "Twenty one ways to improve your artwork" (its a pdf file). This one resonates. For ethnographers (ok - we're not there to create 'art' - still.... ), it might be a very useful tip : "Remember art is not about artwork. Art is about life. To become a better artist, first and foremost become a better person - not in the moral sense, but rather in the complete sense. Remember that the greatest artist is not the one with the best technique, but the one with the most human heart." Thanks Evelyn, for the link.
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