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Thursday, December 10, 2009 |
Unfortunately, links to categories, pictures uploaded and permalinks to posts will be broken here, as Radio Userland has closed down. New Blog URL - http://dinamehta.com/ Subscribe via RSS 2.0 - http://dinamehta.com/feed/ Subscribe via Atom - http://dinamehta.com/feed/atom/ Comments feed - http://dinamehta.com/comments/feed/ 3:08:27 PM ![]() |
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Monday, October 8, 2007 |
This is my last post on this blog. Radio Userland has served me well since I started blogging in 2003. I will post more details on the transition, at my new blog - for now I just wanted to make this announcement, and provide the new url and feeds. My old blog will be archived at its old url (http://radio.weblogs.com/0121664/) and I will keep the archives going. Stuart, who has worked out the platform for Conversations with Dina on Wordpress has done some neato hacks - one that I love a lot is that the search function will not just search the new blog archives, but also my old Radio blog archives. And he has managed to transfer some of my posts over too. That's so cool!!! Lots more needs doing there ... and that will emerge I'm sure. 12:26:59 PM ![]() |
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Friday, June 29, 2007 |
Bloggy thought two. It's not worth it, if it's not searchable. Robert Scoble and Steve Rubel seem to feel so. Am actually feeling the contrary only because of my recent experiences with Facebook and Twitter. The other day, I was chatting with a young friend who is 18, and he told me a few things around Facebook. His dashboard and homepage is Facebook - all his social interactions happen around it, along with a few IM clients. He doesn't really use email very much. And most pertinent to this post, was his comment that he was disturbed that his whole family including aunts and grand-aunts could 'peep' into his entire life. In fact, it was so funny when he related a story about how an aunt actually sent his grandma some pictures of girls who wanted to 'marry' him. He's now got most of his family on 'limited' profile -- but his friends have full access to him! I still believe that what you write or say or show on the web is there for everyone to see, read or hear, and I like that openness and transparency of the web. Still I am enjoying the levels of privacy that Facebook offers me. When I blog, I do sometimes (not when I am feeling particularly ranty) wonder whether what I write will come back to bite me some day or how people will view me as a result of what I write. I do feel more 'responsible' about what views I share on my blog - perhaps this happens when you have been blogging since 2003 and when your blog becomes your single-point public profile, for the whole world to see - family, friends, clients, potential clients etc. But on spaces like Facebook and Twitter, I feel so much more comfort - I can rant, I can be silly, throw some food at a friend, hug someone else, share when I am upset or ecstatic. I don't ever 'think' too much when I am on Facebook - my mode is a more feely one. It's more about me and who I am. And less about my thoughts on a particular subject and less of the 'Dina' I want to project or promote or share around what I do. "As Steve points out above, there are advantages to having a walled
garden. In real life, I have a public and private life, but because of
Google and the general openness of the web, the balance between public
and private online is out of whack. The existing "private web" (IMs,
email) has been largely static for the last half decade, but if it
chooses to be, Facebook could be the next evolution of the private web.
Facebook isn't just a walled garden, it is MY walled garden." 3:31:29 PM ![]() |
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Tuesday, March 27, 2007 |
For my generation, the internet has been
life-changing. We know what we missed
when we didnít have it. We are completely smitten by new avenues to communicate and collaborate in new ways today. We get excited about YouTube and Flickr and Twitter and rush to try them out. We are buoyant and optimistic about the immense possibilities they bring us. We are so grateful that we can now communicate across geographies and time and are a mere fraction of a megabyte away from anywhere else in the world. For many of us, it's still a tool that's shown us a different way of life. Assimilating this medium into our lives has given us new options. For youngsters today, especially teenagers, it isn't an option really - it is their way of life. I
keep looking for aha moments from them during my research studies ñ
and I donít seem to hear them. They don't take it as seriously as we do. They are not as grateful to it as we are. They do not talk about how cool YouTube is - they just use the services to check out the latest Gwen Stefani video - the video is their point of conversation rather than how cool the service is. When I ask them to imagine life without them, they simply cannot - they know nothing less. They're not delighted by 'free' as we are - growing up with this medium has made them expect it. There are few divisions between the techno haves and have-nots
among them, as in our case. They're tribal and tend to stick to their cliques and look within, safe in the knowledge that they can reach out when required. They don't try to maximize possibilities with the objective of seeing how far they can stretch the medium; even for the more geeky kids, it's a medium where they can
express themselves and their creativity - they expect it to deliver on
that and are not surprised or in awe that it can. They aren't that tickled when someone says "you're an absolute geek". They don't become geeks like us - they either are or not. For them the distinction between an offline world and an online world isn't as stark as it is for many of us. For them, it is not transformational or an avenue for self-actualization, as it has become for many of us. Nor is it an empowering medium as it is for us - it's just a way of life. I wonder if we were children when the internet had arrived .. would we have felt and behaved differently from kids today? 12:44:40 PM ![]() |
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006 |
Stuff that's caught my eye recently:
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"However, overall it is fueling the more extrovert and allowing shyer
teens to communicate more easily. One of the more interesting findings
is that mobiles have come to take the place in youth culture
traditionally held by cigarettes. They provide or allow private
communication, the activity is carried out largely unsupervised and
they effectively create a rare private space for youth to interact in."
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Tuesday, November 7, 2006 |
There was a short segment on India This Week on NDTV's 24/7 on Sunday which briefly touched upon the controversy surrounding the issuing of a notice by the State Government of Maharashta against an Orkut community. It wasn't much of an analysis as I had expected - some Orkut members talking of how and why they use it - too short a segment for anyone to really comprehend what was going on. I told my mum to watch it since I was appearing briefly .. her response after ... "I didn't understand a word!". So much for mainstream media picking up on issues! Moreover, the powers that issue these orders are naive to think that closing down a community will shut down voices on the internet.... they will spring up elsewhere on the web. If we are talking of moving to a networked world, with broadband plans and bringing access to the internet to many more people, how can we talk of this sort of censorship. My final comment was that those with authority to ban and censor have no understanding of how social the internet has become. They need to get in there, wet their hands, play .. only then can they truly understand how these newer social systems and norms of engagement actually work. Action then will be more informed as a result. A no-brainer really.
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Thursday, October 12, 2006 |
From agencyfaqs! - I-Cube,2006 a report on Internet in India is out. The survey was conducted by IAMAI and IMRB International. "It states that 32 per cent of the active users of the Internet in India rely on it as a primary source of information and research. In 2001, when e-mail and chat were the significant drivers of the Internet, this figure was only 20 per cent. The survey was conducted for the current fiscal amongst 16,500 households covering 65,000 individuals across 26 major metros and small towns in India, with an additional coverage of 10,000 businesses and 250 cyber cafÈ owners. The active users here are those who access the Internet at least once a month." From the IAMAI
press release
has uploaded a couple of the charts from the report .. here's one that shows
internet usage by demographics [chart from the post linked earlier] where there seems to be an inverse correlation between age and email usage: ![]() The numbers are still small .. despite our much-touted 200 million middle class in India, only 23 million active users in India! And penetration country-wide (rural and urban) is really low at 3.2% in 2006: Look at this for comparison - now 91 million mobile phone subscribers and 5.9 mln new mobile subscribers in India in August 2006 according to ZDNet's Research --
India has become the fastest-growing cellular market in the world,
adding a net 5.9 mln cellular subscribers in August 2006, according to
the Cellular Operators Association of India. The gain outstripped
Chinaís increase of 5.19 mln subscribers. I also wonder whether they've covered social media .. if free flow of information and exchange is going to be a strong part of innovation in India, social media has to be a part of it.Mohan Krishnan from IMRB says: "There will be a change in the Internet
dynamics. Applications like P2P, preview sites, streaming video and radio, as
well as localisation of content, will outgrow e-mail and chat. Hence, innovative
applications, making a user's experience simpler and fulfilling, will be
required to sustain the growth of the number of Internet
users." Which makes me wonder ... what figures do they have about blogs and social networks if at all? Several people from the corporate world (read Ad Agencies, PR firms, even traditional FMCG companies) have asked me for statistics on blogs in India .. the fact is there really aren't any that are of any use. Some figures I have seen don't make much sense somehow. I think its time an agency like IMRB looked at doing a large-scale survey on blogs and online social networking habits in India, and followed some of the great data generation practices employed by companies like Pew who shares reports and pdfs of questionnaires online. Why I feel its time for this is while there is much talk about blogs in India today, in corporate circles, in mainstream media - and people really are curious about this relatively new media. The sense I get is they are excited about the medium but dont understand it very well .. and few are willing to take that leap of faith without the numbers. Some stuff that might be useful from the viewpoint of a company who is considering setting up blogs either a corporate blog, or blogs for brands, or then considering the potential to use the power of word of mouth (and pay for it :)) :
Tags: blog statistics, IAMAI, market research, india, social media, india statistics 9:43:18 PM ![]() |
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Saturday, September 23, 2006 |
"I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by Google" - New Scientist - Bruce Sterling. [link via Ethan] An almost-real, funny-scary take on the internet from the eyes of a "miserably-happy" teenager. Here's an excerpt: "My Dad - he's still alive, apparently - he sent me an email from
China and said I ought to "recruit" Debbie into my "social group
dynamics of online identity production". My Dad always talks like that.
I haven't seen Dad face-to-face in six years. Look: I am a 17-year-old
male, okay? I don't want to send Debbie any hotlinks and digital video.
I want to take Debbie out! Maybe we could take some clothes off! But
there isn't any "out" for me and Debbie. There isn't any "off", either. Okay,
I admit it: Debbie is insane. The fact that Debbie really likes me,
that just proves it. Debbie ACCEPTS this sick state of reality. She
EMBRACES it. We are doomed. Imagine that Debbie
and me somehow go out together. We want to network with our peer group,
teenager-wise. I need to figure out what's hip and with-it and
rebellious, and Debbie needs to know what the other cyber-Goth chicks
are wearing. Is that okay? No! It's not that we can't do it: it's that all our social relations have been reified with a clunky intensity. They're digitized! And the networking hardware and software that pervasively surround us are built and owned by evil, old, rich corporate people! Social-networking systems aren't teenagers! These machines are METHODICALLY KILLING OUR SOULS! If you don't count wall-graffiti (good old spray paint), we have no means to spontaneously express ourselves. We can't "find ourselves" - the market's already found us and filled us with map pins." Also read Men standing around broken machines by Paul Ford, a short but well-written essay where he goes back to a much-older future: "I think about the men because there are two futures: the near and wild futureóthe future of Web 2.0, the war on terror, and midterm electionsóthrashing and blind like a baby mouse in the grass. And there is the other, much older future, which is basically an enormous, ever-widening archaeological dig. They're digging up old Roman bones, pilgrim gristle, and mysterious chunks of iron that may have been astrolabes. Shovels in hand, people fall over dead onto the piles of ancient coffeehouse newspapers and loose pioneer trash that they have themselves exhumed. Time passes; it could be a few days or a millennium. Someone digs them up and holds their skull in hand and wonders: what was the dig like then? There is nothing wrong with the newer future. Those who make it work for them will be powerful and rich. But that older future seems to have more room in it for those quiet, dry-eyed men. And I know I want, someday, to join their group as it stands frowning around a steaming car engine, each trying to figure out what went wrong." 7:29:10 AM ![]() |
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Sunday, August 27, 2006 |
I don't usually blog about movies, but this article in the Hindustan Times that shares reader responses to Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna (KANK) (detailed story) roused my researcher instincts. The movie is the lives of Dev and Maya, who are both
married to different people, who both yearn for something deeper and more meaningful,
and for passion. They find each other, and as a result, it changes lives of all involved forever. "...A surfer named Deepak from Dubai wrote in to say: "KANK is a movie which not only undermines, but also insults Indian culture and values." ".....30-year-old Sabrina from Panaji sent us a very telling comment. She said: "I don't care for movies like KANK, especially if they come from a director like Karan Johar. But I can say this for sure: I would not hestitate for a second to walk out if my marriage is not working out. I am an individual with a life to lead, why should I waste it on a loveless relationship?" "27-year-old Sangita, who wrote in from Arlington, Virginia, provided another interesting angle to this issue. She said: "This is a very complex issue. In the US for instance, women are a lot more empowered. They think of themselves as individuals and so don't hesitate to leave a marriage where there is no love or commitment. In India however, women don't think of themselves as an identity different from their husbands. So they suffer all marital discords and continue to be slaves to their negligent and uncaring husbands." Art imitating life?8:42:22 AM ![]() |
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Sunday, April 2, 2006 |
Mobbed - by MTV Networks Asia and Motorola. It is a digital entertainment platform
which will be targeting youth in Asia-Pacific markets like India,
Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. Free downloads, chat rooms, blogs, contests, blurbs, games. Interesting to see the Mobbster Rewards chart - among other things, they are encouraging users to generate content by sending pictures or blogging - users earn 'moolah' (explained on the site: moolah is like money, except it's not. It's what you need to get Booty,
which is the good stuff. Earning Moolah is easy. In fact, you can earn
it just by hanging out at Mobbed.) everytime they send a picture or a blog post through their mobile phone via sms or MMS. "Mobbed reinforces MTV's commitment to connect with our audience on every platform possible. Not only do we create fun and cool branded content that can be downloaded easily at the click of a button, such as the Mob Squad mobile animated series, but we also allow for user-generated content so youth can express themselves and take over MTV via the cutting-edge MMS to TV platform - Mobtage," commented MTV Networks Asia Pacific president Nigel Robbins. [Source: Indiantelevision] 10:39:13 AM ![]() |
JP Rangaswami, who's fabulous blog I only just discovered, articulates so succinctly, the Four Pillars underpinning the new world of information - Search, Syndication, Fulfilment and Collaboration/Conversation. "You create, publish, receive information that you never had before. Social information, cooking-pot information. You visualise it in ways you could never do before. You move it and share it and enrich it and aggregate it and disaggregate it using tools you could never have conceived before. And you do all this with presence and location and intention and mobility. You teach it and learn it and shape it and train it. You cleanse it and repair it and fuse it and melt it. The it is information. Yes, this is a blog about information
![]() And the you doing everything is not me nor my generation. All we are doing is preparing for Generation M and learning from them." 8:54:12 AM ![]() |
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Tuesday, March 7, 2006 |
One more for the Blank Noise Project Blog-a-thon 2006 : Late last year, I did a study in Delhi among young college girls ... here are some of the things they had to say about their concerns around harrassment. "It is not safe, we can't go out of the house after 8 o clock. You have to be covered from head to legs.It is a big problem for college girls" "If you are wearing cut sleeves that is a problem, eyes are seeing you ...that is so pathetic, they pass comments" "You can't come in auto, DTC bus. I had gone for tuitions and I had worn a skirt. I was in a rickshaw and the comments were so bad, 'wah chikni'... I never wore a skirt outside again" "Can't go out for parties, brothers or cousins accompany us.Even at a disc, we girls are in the center and the cousins and brothers friends are surrounding us" "If a girl goes to a normal disc there is a whole category of Jat males, if they hit upon her and if she refuses, they will bash her" "In a disc if a girl goes alone and someone acts smart, we feel it is by mistake they have touched you, but they do it purposely, and if you say something they slap you" "Its everywhere - and they donít stop at anything - if the girl is continuously arguing with them, they will pick her up from home. So we keep quiet." And this is a page from a Living Diary I had them fill up ... talking about activities that reflect who they are ... just look at the stress on the need to be tough ... fearless ... confident. Being in Delhi as a woman, is a whole different feeling. Even now, as I approach the age of 40, I feel so uneasy about being out on the streets in Delhi or travelling alone by autorickshaw after 9 pm ... and even now, I hesitate to wear sleeveless tops or kurtas in Delhi. I don't drive in Delhi either ... although I'm so comfortable driving alone in Bombay even at 2 am. If my flight in to Delhi is delayed, I ask for a car to pick me up at the airport ... if for some reason I haveto use a cab late night, I keep one hand on a full deo spray I carry with me in my handbag. I do many of these things because I don't want to attract attention to myself. I fear it won't stop at comments. I fear I will react .. and I fear the consequences of that reaction .... the young girls in my groups felt real fear too. My sister who lives in Delhi always asks me to call her up when I am leaving for home ... and gives me a call en route to her place too. ... "just checking you aren't being your sassy Bombay self, Dina". I know I shouldn't .. but its just the way it is ... and I do feel real fear in Delhi. 4:57:47 PM ![]() |
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Thursday, March 2, 2006 |
Notable quotes on youth lives online : "My generation draws the Internet as a cloud that connects everyone;
the younger generation experiences it as oxygen that supports their
digital lives." [Kevin Marks, epeus epigone blog, via Susan Mernit] "Many teens are frustrated by the press' account of their behavior, but they have no voice. They are frustrated by their parents' fear, but they have no power. Parents are scared, and their fear is misguided. There are more actions against minors in San Francisco on a daily basis than there have ever been in the 3-year history of MySpace. More and more cases are failing to pan out. Yet, there are more kids on MySpace than in any single state. I wish i knew how to reach out to parents and say, "It's OK... your kids will be OK... just teach them trust and love." In statistical terms, MySpace is safer than going to school. It is safer than being in a car with your parents. It is safer than going to the mall. And yet, we are more scared because we don't understand it and we're afraid. This makes me so sad because this kind of fear is anxiety producing and culturally dangerous. :-(" [danah boyd in an insighful post about the recent controversy around the disappearance of two young girls, being linked wrongly to MySpace] 9:08:14 PM ![]() |
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006 |
Day 2 - Digital Summit 2006. Afternoon Sessions - Why Search is Hot, Impact of the Echo Generation.
Search Session - Some mention of blogs and tags. I missed the start of the
sessions but got in when Rishi Behl, head of search, Yahoo! India was talking. He spoke
of Yahoo! Answers and Yahoo's My Web that has built tags into search. They look interesting, will explore them later. He talks about 15-25 year olds. online
transactions is small compared to markets like Hongking and Taiwan -
but it is growing. Dream birthday gifts - mobile phones and
laptop computers. In China, a study revealed that all in the age
group of 15-25 are mobile savvy, and a lot of them are moblogging as
well. When asked about buying behaviour, almost half had tried
out some transaction through mobile. The American teenager is
online too, but they are also simultaneously listening to music,
reading, chatting on the phone, watching TV - so implications on how to
market to those who multi-task. (an aside - i was Googling Ashutosh to find a link and discovered Tagit!) 4:32:22 PM ![]() |
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Sunday, January 15, 2006 |
I finally got around to doing some
housekeeping on my blog. Have edited the categories and links - am
hoping they will render alright. The nice thing is each of them
acts as a separate blog - so readers can subscribe separately to
specific categories that interest you! Here they are - links and RSS feeds
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Saturday, October 15, 2005 |
Testing ... i think my blog is back :). 9:33:57 AM ![]() |
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005 |
Building Communities through Digital Storytelling
From their About Me page :
[link via Scobleizer] 11:42:45 PM ![]() |
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Thursday, June 30, 2005 |
Kid's Day at Work Alex reports on Kids Day and India at Pitney Bowes :
I smiled as I read her post ... maybe 10 years from now I won't be faced with a blank stare, when I visit a supermarket in the US, and the check-out clerk looks at my credit card strangely and asks me where I am from - and when I say India, she looks blank and asks me to tell her two things that are famous so they can trigger India to her. And I say Taj Mahal and Mahatma Gandhi - and she continues to look blank. Maybe I should have said outsourcing :)? 12:58:31 PM ![]() |
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Friday, May 6, 2005 |
Visual Ethnography using Cam Phones Also came across this article in the Feature, by Howard Rheingold, on how camera phones are fast becoming a personal storytelling medium. Howard ponders : "It looks like this newly ubiquitous device could be more about flows of moments than stocks of images, more about sharing presence than transporting messages, and ultimately, more about personal narrative than factual communication." He then goes further into quoting from a paper delivered at a conference in Korea at the end of 2004, by Daisuke Okabe : "Cameraphones enable an expanded field for chronicling and displaying self and viewpoint to others in a new kind of everyday visual storytelling......" ".......For example, the people they observed used streams of text messages to "inscribe a space of shared awareness of one another" -- an explanation for the preponderance of messages that conveyed no information other than what the sender was doing at the moment: "I'm sitting on the bus," or "I'm bored" or "I'm walking up the hill." The cameraphone study extends this framework by revealing how people's choices of images to share enables intimate social networks to share ambient information; but, "on the other hand, we are finding that users tend not to e-mail messages to one another, and prefer to share images by showing pictures on a handset screen." Hence, the communication device that used to transmit messages across distances is now also used to capture a flow of experience in order to add a visual element to face-to-face story-telling......" I remember the time we would equip our subjects in studies, with disposable cameras to record moments in their lives. We don't need them anymore with some of the youth target audiences. Especially in India, and many other Asian countries, where its hot for youth to own cam phones. Advantages are many ...
The only bitch is the quality of photographs - I hope cam phone manufacturers get their act together providing cheaper but better quality imaging. 11:10:07 AM ![]() |
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Monday, May 2, 2005 |
Disturbing Youth Voices Youth speak through images : "Jasmeen has some thought-provoking posts on her blog on street harassment - Blank Noise Project ... particularly startling is this mind-map created by an all girl group of 60 between the ages of 17-23 on 'public space'. The single overwhelming feeling seems to be violation - in different forms and of varying intensity ... discomfort, stare, anxiety, aggression, vulnerability, fear, groping, feeling sick..." [thanks Charu, for pointing it out] In another case, Ethan Zuckerman blogs about "this set of very disturbing images released by Human Rights Watch. A pediatrician, Dr. Sparrow usually gives crayons and paper to children to entertain them while she interviews their parents. When she gave crayons to children who've fled Darfur, the results were harrowing and powerful : "Without prompting, the children drew scenes of horse-mounted militiamen riding into villages, large airplanes dropping bombs, and gun-wielding men raping women. The children's drawings are a visual record of the atrocities committed in Darfur that aren't available through any other medium. Human rights workers have received extensive testimony about bombing of villages and rape as a weapon, but these drawings provide visual evidence that international media organizations have not been able to provide, as they've been blocked by the Sudanese government from travelling in Darfur. " Ethan suggests that we our use blogs to draw attention to and amplify them. I couldn't agree more ... they need to be heard so desperately. 9:38:13 AM ![]() |
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Thursday, April 14, 2005 |
Bolt - Youth Hangout on the Web Thanks Judith, for this link! Right now there are 17, 827 people online over at the Bolt.com 'hang out'. Where categories range from Movies & TV to Sex & Dating, Gaming, Music, Style, Sports, American Idol, AIM Icons, Quotes, Ringtones, Game Revolution, Quizzes, Horoscopes, and TAG. Raj, Vikram ... are you listening? 10:24:23 AM ![]() |
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Thursday, March 17, 2005 |
MVNO - Mobile Virtual Network Operator Thanks Rohit for sharing this really neat link, the audio is here, and an excerpt of the text follows: "P Diddy: I Am An MVNO ....... Recently, I was talking to someone, and they mentioned the term MVNO, and not wanting to appear stupid, I waited a few minutes if I could figure out what it meant. I thought it was a new artist or something. But then I asked, what's an MVNO? A mobile virtual operator, someone who sells the phone services without actually owning the network. And I thought, you mean, you could sell a phone service without owning the network? I'm in the wrong business...and then, it dawned on me....I am, an M V N O... and I might be the biggest. What do I mean by that? I don't have the spectrum, I don't own the network infrastructure, I don't make customer service calls, but I do have subscribers. I have tens of millions of thee, subscribers, who spent billions of dollars every year on music, on fast foods, on cosmetics, on soda, and yes, on consumer electronics and wireless communications technology. I know where they live, what they like, what they eat and what they drink, I know what they wear, and more importantly for you, I know how to communicate to them, I know how to talk to them. The reason why they're mine, I mean my subscribers, is because I know how to listen to them. About 90 percent of America are music listeners, but only about 15 percent of them are active record buyers. Although the record industry is having a tough time selling more records every year, the music business is bigger than ever. If there was no music, there would be no iPod, there would be no iTunes, there would be no MTV, there would be no BET, there would be no Clear Channel, there would be no XM or Sirius, and there would be no ringtones, no ringback tones. Nothing sells stuff the way music does..........."
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Copyright 2010 Dina Mehta