Thursday, September 8, 2005 |
I've been taking turns manning the virtual call centre we have set up using Skype linked to KatrinaHelp, to help cover 24 hours of the day. I am beginning to understand what it feels like to be a call-centre operator :).
amazes me though, is that I can volunteer my time, sitting in my living
room at home in Mumbai India, and be of use to help those seeking
information about their loved ones who are missing on that other side
of the world. This morning, I was on a shift for a couple of hours, and
I received about 8 calls on our Skypein number, and made a few on
SkypeOut. It was really rewarding to be able to point the callers to
resources and hook them up with those offering help. And they were so
grateful someone was listening to them, and that they did not have to
figure out how to navigate pages on websites and wikis.
Imagine how it would be to have a virtual Skype phone bank. One that is not just virtual, but ad hoc.
Just-in-time emergent support. Always on when we have a bank of
volunteers from all over the world, and at all hours. Our way of
reaching out and helping those in distress.
Also posted at SkypeJournal - see the comments there for further discussion.
1:43:50 PM
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