Sunday, July 17, 2005 |
Making Dreams HappenThank you Rajesh for sharing with us your pain, perseverence, hopes, dreams and utter joy in The Making of Abhishek. It tells the story of, in Rajesh's own words, "one couple's dream to have a baby and another couple's determination to make that happen." One excerpt - I urge you to read the full post :
"She was much more accepting of the situation than I was. My scientific mind kept thinking of why a baby could not be created than the eggs and sperms were absolutely fine. Why did we always end up on the wrong side of the probabilities?
Time heals, and so it was this time also. When we went and talked with the Malpanis (who by now had become very close friends), we were willing to call it quits. Going through this tension of the monthly cycles and ensuing disappointments was starting to take its toll. We wanted a finality to it all. We were willing to accept that weíd never have our own baby. We wanted life to move on.
The Malpanis determination was what brought the dream of parenthood back in our eyes. If they were not willing to give up, why were we? They were willing to try all options to help us become parents. This never-say-die attitude on their part was what brought us back to their clinic in July 2004 for our second ICSI procedure."
Talking about it through his blog, it allows so many to draw hope and inspiration from and dream.
Bhavana and Rajesh's doctor, Dr. Aniruddha Malkani has his own blog too ... The Patient's Doctor with the byline, 'helping patients talk to their doctors'. Amazing, and I think this is a first !
10:57:06 AM
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