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Tuesday, July 12, 2005 |
Global Voices (which has a brand new look, btw) is looking for interactions between bloggers from different countries in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar or Maldives). Does anyone know of any such interactions? Are there conversations taking place across the region? Do you read blogs from across the region? Which are your favourites? Please drop in your thoughts. Many thanks. UPDATE: Rezwan from Bangladesh, who has a very good blog called The Third World View sends me his views and an exhaustive list - he couldn't post this as a comment, nor could I on his behalf - perhaps the number of urls made the Radio Userland server filter it as spam? Here's what he says : I could not post a comment in your blog hence I am writing to you. You wanted to know about the interactions between the bloggers of the South Asian countries. I am from Bangladesh. I follow the rich variety of some of the wonderful Asian blogs regularly through rss reader. Occasionally active conversations happen between Indian, Bangladeshi & Pakistani bloggers in some of the blogs like The Acorn, Sepia Mutiny, Chapati Mystery, Desi Pundit etc. (e.g. http://www.sepiamutiny.com/sepia/archives/001795.html). I personally have conversed through email with a number of Indian and Pakistani bloggers. The Sri Lankan blogospehere is rather quite small to quote(so far I know). The annual Asian weblog awards promote more blogs from the region. The global voices has a wiki of "bridge blogs" where blogs by country is listed. Some of my favorites: Bangladeshi: * Dak Bangla Intelligence scan - http://dakbangla.blogspot.com/ * Imtiaz's Weblog - http://blog.imtiaz.info/ *Inspirations & creative thoughts - http://mysticsaint.blogspot.com/ * The color of rain - http://nashat.beheshto.ca/ Indian: * Sepia Mutiny - http://www.sepiamutiny.com/sepia/ * The Acorn - http://opinion.paifamily.com/ * India Uncut - http://indiauncut.blogspot.com/ and lot more Pakistani: *Chapati Mystery http://www.chapatimystery.com/ * Off road Pakistan http://ko.offroadpakistan.com/ * Pakistani Perspective - http://www.pakp.com/ Nepal: * United we blog: - http://www.blog.com.np/ Sri Lanka: * CSF group blog has a couple of Sri Lankan authors http://desimediabitch.blogspot.com/ Asia: Another blog which concentrates on Asia is AsiaPundit - http://www.asiapundit.com/ Thanks Rezwan. 12:55:41 PM ![]() |
I enjoyed reading two contrasting perspectives on market research and focus groups. Interestingly, both refer to Blink, the premise if which is thin-slicing and rapid cognition, which seems to knock conventional market research on its head. Lee Shupp of Cheskin shares thoughts on focus groups and why they are valuable as a counterpoint to Malcolm Gladwell's argument "that focus groups are dead;that they focus (pun intended) on rational, stated behavior, which is rarely in play as people make purchasing decisions"
For a completely different perspective, Johnnie Moore says "I used to make a very nice living from qualitative research, but became more and more disillusioned. More and more often, I realised how little value businesses were getting from it." In a thought-provoking post, The perils of market research at Brandshift, he makes three points, illustrating them with rich examples:
Each one resonates with me - I'm pretty certain most experienced market researchers would have their own stories around these issues. I prefer methods that make you step out of the focus group, onto the real field. With the marketer as observer. Johnnie advocates real contact and conversations as opposed to structured and 'manufactured' research :
While nothing beats face-to-face contact, blogs can be a great space to have conversations with customers - Scoble does it every day. In other cases, customers are the ones encouraging marketers to engage in conversation - SkypeJournal is a great example of heavy users of Skype providing constructive feedback both positive and negative, observations and ideas. They're even writing poetry in the form of a Skypku :) Are marketers listening and engaging in dialogue? Maybe. Maybe not. Are marketing departments afraid of this? I think they are. Blogs may be one such tool available to us - there are so many more that can reveal and understand the motives and the process of emergence in conversations as they manifest in conversations between marketers and users. I met Jim McGee in Chicago last year and we had a lovely discussion about how blogs might change the nature of market research and how the notion of oral culture in organizations might help explain the relatively slow take up of blogs in the firewall. From his post after our meeting :
Worth thinking about for sure! Tags: qualitative research 12:45:06 PM ![]() |
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